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The idea for the UONGOZI Institute originated at the Helsinki Process on Globalization and Democracy (2002-2008), an international forum co-chaired by the governments of Tanzania and Finland. At the conclusion of the forum, the two countries made a joint commitment to establish a regional institute that would “…build capacity with a view to implementing international commitments and participating in international negotiations, especially those related to sustainable development.” This led to the establishment of the Dar es Salaam Institute for Sustainable Development, formally opened by the prime ministers of Finland and Tanzania in March 2010.

Recognizing that sustainable development cannot happen without sound leadership, the Government of Tanzania took the decision in 2011 to merge the Dar es Salaam Institute for Sustainable Development with the concept of a leadership institute to establish the Institute of African Leadership for Sustainable Development, known as UONGOZI Institute. “Uongozi” means “leadership” in Kiswahili. The Institute is currently supported by the governments of Tanzania and Finland. It also receives project support from other valued partners, including the European Union and UN Women.

Presidents Tarja Halonen and Benjamin Mkapa, co-chairs of the Helsinki Process on Globalisation and Democracy 2002 – 2008, exchange a few words during one of the meetings. Photo: Helsinki Process Conference.

2002 - 2008

Helsinki Process on Globalisation and Democracy took place and an idea of UONGOZI Institute was born

March 2010

Dar es Salaam Institute for Sustainable Development was established

July 2010

Instrument to establish Institute of African Leadership for Sustainable Development was issued by the President of the United Republic of Tanzania

September 2011

Dar es Salaam Institute for Sustainable Development and the Institute of African Leadership for Sustainable Development were merged to form UONGOZI Institute