Advisory Services

Effective leaders work to align internal systems, structures and processes with their organisation’s strategy to effectively achieve organisational objectives. We offer strategic advisory services to a range of clients to help solve challenges and unlock opportunities in both the near and long term. In a collaborative, multistep process, we can work with a client to assess their needs by carrying out an institutional needs assessment. The assessment may lead to an advisory service project that includes the review of systems, processes and structures to identify improvement plans or develop a strategic plan that will improve performance in critical areas.

We draw upon our executive education and research expertise to work with a range of advisors to offer specialist insight and technical advice. Our aim is to support organisations to ensure they have the necessary knowledge and capacity to design and implement effective policies, strategies and projects. In addition to focusing on projects that best match our areas of expertise, we aim to support those assignments closely linked with the mission of the Institute.

To date, we have provided advisory services to various Tanzanian ministries, departments, and agencies as part of our commitment to provide technical assistance to the government on policy and strategic development issues. This support has included research to support policy development, legal reviews, institutional reforms and support for national/government priority areas, such as natural resources management.


Government ministries, departments and agencies


Available upon request. We also offer cost-sharing arrangements for our advisory services.