
The need to have well-informed leaders who understand these transitions remains crucial as the world changes so quickly and often unpredictably. As clichéd as it may sound, knowledge is the key to helping us effectively relate and resiliently respond to changes at pace – and, the more we have it, the better.

Through our Resource Centre, users can access the latest information and insights on leadership and sustainable development. With over 50,000 publications in print, audio and electronic formats, our leadership hubs in Dar es Salaam and Dodoma equip senior and emerging leaders, researchers, and other professionals with the relevant knowledge to support their studies and careers.


Leaders, executives, researchers and the general public.

Monday - Friday

10:00 – 13:00 & 14:00 – 17:00


10:00 – 13:00 & 14:00 – 16:00

Content coverage




Sustainable development

Political science


Foreign affairs

African history

Personal development

Public administration


Social theory


Access to the Centre is restricted to members only. How can one become a member? Upon registration, members are charged a one-off joining fee of TZS 30,000 plus the annual subscription fee TZS 20,000. Members enjoy access to all printed materials as well as other benefits, including:

  • Borrowing print books for a period of two weeks with the possibility of renewal for one additional week.
  • Access to over 30,000 e-books and journals, some of which can be downloaded.
  • Access to articles from leading online publications, including Harvard Business Review, The Economist and Oxford Academic.
  • A physical space to read, conduct research, hold discussions and/or brainstorming sessions.
  • Opportunities to write book reviews for publication by UONGOZI (subject to editorial approval).

Dar es Salaam

Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre (JNICC) 3rd Floor, Shaaban Robert Street


UONGOZI Institute’s Offices Kambarage Tower (PSSSF Building) 8th Floor, 18 Jakaya Kikwete Road