Leadership and Governance of State-Owned Institutions

Today’s board directors have to cope with rapidly changing and complex operating environments. They often have to meet higher standards of conduct in relation to their organisations and the wider society. They also need to practice effective governance to manage their performance and the organisations they serve.

Delivered in collaboration with the Office of the Treasury Registrar, this programme offers strategic insights and powerful tools to board directors of Tanzanian state-owned institutions. It aims to help them advance their fiduciary, legal and ethical oversight responsibilities. They will also learn how to work more effectively with each other and their management team to optimise their organisations’ contribution to national socio-economic development.


Starting period varies from client to client


5 days


Varies from one group to another


Board directors of Tanzanian state-owned institutions

Why this programme?

This programme offers course content specifically designed for directors of state-owned institutions. It combines engaging teaching techniques, stimulating discussions, practical insights and real case studies. Expert facilitators, who have worked with and/or served on various boards in Tanzania and beyond, will offer first-hand insight based upon practical experience of board leadership to help directors improve their performance.

Strengthens the capacity for directors to understand and implement best board practices

Improves the capability of directors to mitigate risks while also identifying and maximising opportunities


Equips directors with insights to understanding socio-economic issues and stakeholders 

Equips directors with the ability to evaluate strategic plans 

Strengthens board interaction and dynamics to improve performance and culture