Certificate in Leadership (CiL) is another programme implemented in collaboration with Aalto University Executive Education (Aalto EE). It is designed for emerging leaders and executives from across Africa.
This self-paced programme is a ‘must-have’ in today’s rapidly changing business world. It provides tools for leaders to effectively manage their resources to achieve sustainable development. It includes 3 modules running for a period of six months. The estimated time commitment per week is 2-4 hours.
Graduates of the programme have an additional advantage into the Postgraduate Diploma in Leadership.
6 months
TZS 2.6 million
Emerging leaders and executives working in any sector across Africa
UONGOZI Institute offers a limited number of merit-based scholarships, targeting female candidates
Leaders have graduated so far
Modules have been
Of past participants rated the programme as either ‘high quality’ or ‘very high quality’
Found it either ‘relevant’ or ‘highly relevant’ to their work
CiL is designed for leaders who want to propel their professional development without putting their careers on hold. It is facilitated by world-class professors and experts in leadership from around the world. Centred on leadership, service delivery and innovation, the programme:
Gives you new tools to master service and process development
Strengthens your strategic leadership skills
Empowers you to become an agent of change
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