Flagship Events ALF

The African Leadership Forum (ALF) was conceived of in 2014 as a platform for eminent senior states persons together with senior leaders from across Africa to interact and share their experiences and insight on strategic challenges facing the continent. These dialogues especially address the leadership issues that are behind the implementation of solutions to Africa’s sustainable development challenges.

The ALF evolved from the 2013 ‘Shared Societies and Inclusive Sustainable Development in Africa’ symposium, held in Dar es Salaam by the World Leadership Alliance – Club de Madrid and UONGOZI Institute. Participants included the former African Presidents: H.E. Benjamin Mkapa (Tanzania), H.E. Festus Mogae (Botswana), and H.E. Olesegun Obasanjo (Nigeria). The meeting recognised that many of Africa’s challenges are unique to the continent and what was required was ‘African solutions to African problems’.

The symposium highlighted the value of convening a network of African former heads of state at a forum since they could share reflections of their experiences to provide current leaders with first-hand insight. They could also offer fresh perspective on current issues with the benefit of being retired from high office with more opportunity for reflection. The ALF arose to convene such a gathering while also fostering innovative ideas and responses to international, regional and national issues.

Between 2014 and 2019, six forums were held under the patronage of H.E. Mkapa, the third President of the United Republic of Tanzania, with his successor as head of state, Jakaya Kikwete, assuming this role after his death.


The ALF is convened by a patron, with organisation being managed by UONGOZI Institute.

ALF Patron

H.E. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete

Former President of the United Republic of Tanzania

African solutions to African problems

Former President Kikwete: More political will and investment are needed for success in intra-Africa agricultural trade

Former President Mkapa: Protecting Africa’s wild lands and wildlife means protecting Africa’s future

President Kagame: Africa can finance its own development

Discover more about deliberations by eminent leaders


ALF 2023 cover

African Leadership Forum 2023

This report provides edited highlights of speeches, expert presentations, and plenary and panel discussions at the seventh African Leadership Forum, convened by Former President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete and AfCFTA Secretary-General Wamkele Mene from 25 – 26 May 2023, in Accra.

Go to reports from other years

Youth Leadership Competition

Open to all Africans between 18 - 25

This contest is organised as a component of the ALF to provide a space for young Africans to contribute to important discussions on leadership and sustainable development.