Fourth graduation and some firsts!


Our fourth leadership graduation ceremony was held on 20 April 2021 in Dar es Salaam. Hon. Joyce Ndalichako (MP), Minister for Education, Science and Technology, officiated the ceremony on behalf of the Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania.

The event celebrated the accomplishments of those who completed the Postgraduate Diploma in Leadership (PGD) and Certificate in Leadership. It gave us pride and joy to hold our fourth graduation ceremony for the long-term executive programmes and to achieve some “firsts”: First time to have two cohorts of PGD graduating together (65 leaders); the graduation of the inaugural cohort of Certificate in Leadership (46 emerging leaders and executives); also the first graduation with more than 50% of recipients being female and also fee-paying students.

Minister Ndalichako challenged the graduates to evaluate themselves based on the knowledge and skills they had acquired. She went on to say:

“The government is banking on you to lead by example and inspire those whom you lead. And as seasoned leaders, we expect you to offer innovative approaches to challenges facing our country and to public services.

Our CEO, Mr. Kadari Singo, presented the background to the programmes and explained:

“We launched PGD in 2017, and the certificate programme in 2020, as part of our commitment to support African leaders to attain sustainable development for their nations and the continent. Both programmes are designed and delivered in collaboration with with Aalto University Executive Education of Finland (Aalto EE).

He added that the programmes aim to develop leadership competencies in three areas: making strategic choices; leading people and other resources; and excelling in personal leadership qualities.

Prof. Pekka Mattila, Managing Director of Aalto EE, further emphasised the importance of the programmes in helping leaders become the ‘better version’ of themselves and encouraged them to apply their knowledge to drive positive change in Tanzania.

The fifth cohort of the PGD, comprising 43 leaders working in public, private and civil society organisations, also participated. Self-funded students account for 86% of the cohort.

PGD is a year-long programme with a total of 10 modules. Each module runs for one month, consisting of 2-3 days in-class workshops as well as individual and group assignments. The Certificate in Leadership is an e-learning programme, with 3 modules running for a period of six months. Both programmes motivate participants to become reflective leaders who can embrace agility for more sustainable results. They are designed for leaders who want to propel their professional development without putting their careers on hold.To learn more about these programmes, visit