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UONGOZI Institute graduates encouraged to be “life-long learners” 


UONGOZI Institute celebrated its seventh graduation ceremony on Friday 17 May 2024, honouring the achievements of 198 leaders from its long-term executive education programmes: Postgraduate Diploma in Leadership (PGD), Certificate in Leadership (CiL), and Women’s Leadership Programme (WLP)

The ceremony took place in Dar es Salaam with H.E. Dr. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, former President of the United Republic of Tanzania, as guest of honour. Distinguished guests also included Hon. George Simbachawene (MP), Minister of State in the President’s Office – Public Service Management and Good Governance; Hon. Mohamed Omary Mchengerwa (MP), Minister of State, President’s Office – Reginal Administration and Local Government; H.E. Theresa Zitting, Ambassador of Finland in Tanzania; Eng. Zena Ahmed Said, Chief Secretary and Secretary of Revolutionary Council of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar; and Mr. Mululi Majula Mahendeka, Permanent Secretary, President’s Office – State House.

Delivering his address, Former President Kikwete highlighted how the graduates should aspire to be life-long learners, with reading being essential to achieving this. He said: 

“Critical to your growth is reading and expanding your knowledge. Embrace the opportunity to immerse yourself in literature. For it is through reading that you will deepen your understanding, broaden your horizons of thinking and perspectives, and make informed decisions.” 

The Former President also reminded the graduates to consider how they will leave a legacy in their respective roles. He commended the Institute for its accomplishments since its inception, as showcased by the graduation. 

On his part, Minister Simbachawene emphasised the importance of ethical leadership. He remarked: 

“Integrity, responsibility, accountability, and fairness are the hallmarks of ethical and effective leadership. I trust that you are prepared to ethically execute the strategies of your organisations and bring about the expected results.”

Ambassador Zitting especially recognised the WLP graduates. She stated: 

“UONGOZI Institute has an important role to play in promoting more women to take leadership positions in both public and private spheres.” 

She also encouraged the graduates to develop a “passion for learning” to achieve personal and professional growth. 

The renowned corporate governance expert Dr. Lucy Surhyel Newman, Chief Executive Officer of the Africa Private Sector Summit, discussed important leadership attributes in her keynote: 

“Be humble and self-aware. Understand yourself, know your personal values, love what you do and consider it a mission.”

The graduates hailed from all sectors and six African countries: Tanzania, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Eswatini, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The three programmes aim to develop leadership competencies in personal leadership, people leadership and organisational leadership. They are dedicated for leaders, from all sectors, who want to propel their professional development without putting their careers on hold. The faculty is composed of thought leaders, leading experts and researchers from around the world. 

PGD and CiL are designed and delivered in collaboration with Aalto University Executive Education and Professional Development (Finland). 

The three programmes are funded by the governments of Tanzania and Finland, with WLP receiving further financial backing from the European Union through UN Women.

Download the event programme here.

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